Picture of Shelton Products logo, a arched salmon with a hooked eagle jaw.


By Shelton Products...

Hi, My name is Bill Shelton Sr. and I like to work with techniques for tying knots. I have quite a few techniques for tying your favorite knots and some new knots. When time is available, I will be adding some of these to my web site. So check in occasionally to see what is new. Shelton speed knot is a simple quick non-slipping speed knot that can be used to tie almost any flexible material. It will tie mono, super lines and rope. It is the fastest knot available and can be tied under adverse conditions. You can tie hooks, flys, plugs lures weights and swivels. The Shelton speed knot can be tied just as easy with a quick release tag and one tug and the knot is undone. The Shelton speed knot can be tied with only one hand. The Shelton speed knot is perfect for tying all of your fishing needs and is great with ropes. The strength is simular to a cinch knot.

The Shelton double speed knot is the one of the strongest knots I've ever seen. It is tied similar to the single speed knot below but the pull down is different. I have tied thousands of knots and tested them against each other with special tools that I have made for that purpose, this knot simply blows all the other knots away. The double San Diego jam knot is the only knot I have seen that if a good tier takes their time to ty it is perhaps a tiny bit stronger, but much more complicated to ty.

How to tie the Shelton double Speed Knot.

Follow along with example above. The line has been doubled for approximately 18 inches. Be generous with amount of doubled line while learning and shorten up when experienced at this knot. Some recapture of the line will occur during the tieing process.

How to tie the Shelton Speed Knot.

This knot is simular to a clinch knot in strength.

Picture of Shelton speed knot step one.

Step one.

In this example we are tying a weight to the line. The tool you use is the best knot tying tool in the world, your hand. If you are right handed then your left hand will be your tool and if you are left handed then your right hand will be your tool. Start by holding the main line coming from your left and out of the way. Bring the line up and under your third and four fingers which will just hold on to the line and keep it out of the way. You want about 12 - 16 inches of slack. This slack will be recaptured during the tying and won't end up as wasted line. Bring main line up and over your extended fore finger and middle finger and down and through the weight etc. that you are tying. Then back up and grab it between the fore finger and thumb. You want the weight to hang down about 4 -6 inches. The thumb and fore finger holds the line from slipping while you complete the tie.

Picture of Shelton speed knot step two.

Step two.

Take the tag end of the line in your right hand and wrap around the loop that forms from the slack in the line between your left hand and the object you are tying in a clockwise direction (facing up) four to six times, depending on your line type and size. Ending between the left fore finger and middle finger. If you are tying rope are logging chains then this may be only one time around. You need to experiment until you feel comfortable with it. In this example we are wrapping 2 times.

Picture of step three in tying the Shelton speed knot.

Step three.

Hold main line tight between thumb and fore finger and tag line between fore finger and middle finger and pull on the weight that is being tied with your right hand. The loop over your fore finger will slide off thereby pulling the tag end inside the loop. While holding both the main line and tag line tight in left hand pull with the weight that being tied until the line cinches down. It would help if you lubricated the line with saliva to keep line from causing abrasion as the line cinches up. Optional directions before sliding loop off finger. Depending on where you want a standard fishing line knot or a quick release knot. The difference being if you pull the entire tag line through the loop then you have a standard fishing knot. If you grab the tag line in the middle between your fore finger and middle finger and pull the tag line partially through, then you leave a little handle. After pulling the knot down tight, you can do a quick release on the knot. May require extra slack before beginning the tie. You simply pull on the tag end and the knot comes undone.

Picture of both types of finished knots.

Step Four.

The Shelton speed knot in the both types of finish. One on the left is the standard fishing knot and the one on the right has a quick release tag line and can be easily released.

The below knot movies requires QuickTime by Apple to view.
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New quick sliding slip knot called the crazy eight.

It is a general purpose camping, hunting and boating knot that tied using a technique called inversion knotting.
There are over a dozen different styles and techniques for tying the crazy eight.
Here are a few of the ways and technique. The first movie is a long version and is more details. The second is shorter movie.
Crazy Eight knot long version Crazy Eight knot long version
Crazy Eight knot short version Crazy Eight knot short version

Disclaimer-If any knots that exist are similar are the same knot as the above, no intent is intended to take credit for that work. These above are for techniques and style of tying.

Email me and let me know how they worked for you! Try it on your mono, super line or rope.


Tips and Tricks

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This page created by Bill Shelton