Shelton Products animated StrikeFighter GIF. Must fully load to play.
It is 291 k but worth it!! Go have a cup of coffee and come back for the show.

This is an animated Gif. It is simulating just one of the techniques for fighting fish. You simple shift your weight to one foot, jut your knee forward or step back and let gravity lower your body causing your knee to automatically jut forward rotating the StrikeFighter to pump rod with tremendous force. Step forward to reverse. This a natural fighting position which give you a good balance and with little chance of busting your fanny, if your line breaks or the hook pulls out. Just imagine this you and you are fighting a Tuna, Wahoo are any kind of fast or heavy strong fish. Do you want to pull a tank up off the bottom like a huge Halibut, then you need a StrikeFighter.

The StrikeFighter, makes fighting large fish easy. The StrikeFighter uses your leg movement and body weight along with your arms and back to assist you to fight fish. You can generate hard rod strikes. The StrikeFighter holds your rod for you while doing many things, such as lowering your downrigger, sitting, standing, wading, trolling, baiting your hook, striking, fighting, netting and removing fish. Your rod is always at your fingertips and you have extreme sensitivity for bite detection even if you doze off. Flipping the StrikeFighter sideways holds your rod out to the side for trolling. If you enjoy salmon fishing, the StrikeFighter makes an excellent jigging and mooching aid. The StrikeFighter is for all types of fishing. The StrikeFighter makes the perfect fishing aid. If you are physically challenged with one arm, or have an injured arm, the StrikeFighter allows you to control the rod as you would with two arms. Want to steady your arm for offhand shooting? You are in luck! (Requires a shooting attachment).

The StrikeFighter is very simple. It is like a rod controller strapped to your waist, and has a unique patent pending design to be operated by your leg. By changing leg positions you can pump your rod with incredible force. When not in use, you can slide the StrikeFighter around to your side or back out of the way. If you desire to fight a large fish in a normal arm pumping manor, then the StrikeFighter performs as a excellent base to do that with. You can also combine fighting fish in the traditional manor and when your arm gets tired, let the leg movement and the StrikeFighter take over or help fight the fish.

Trolling for trout, salmon, stripers etc. with a StrikeFighter
Physically challenged with one arm with a StrikeFighter
Striking with the StrikeFighter.

Physically challenged person fishing with only one arm can fish with a standard fishing rod and reel with ease. Just cast out and insert rod in the StrikeFighter and reel in as normal. Upon detecting bite, you quickly lift knee of leg that you have the StrikeFighter on and fight fish by actions described in the operating instructions. The Strikefighter for the physically challenged comes with a velcro leg strap and a gimbal that mounts on your rod to keep rod from twisting during reeling. This is design to work with straight handle rods only. You will be absolutely amazed at the Strikefighter performance.

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